Leadership Principles from the Battlefield

For CEOs, middle management, team leads

  • Remo and Louis
  • Lessons: 12
  • 5+ hours
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PS! This course is an english version of "juhtimise põhimõtted lahinguväljalt" with different examples, so definitely a great watcH! 
The intent of this course is to provide the fundamental principles of leadership. We believe that every problem is a leadership problem and that everyone is a leader.

Solving problems becomes easier if you have knowledge, skills and the right way of thinking. We introduce the "Mindset for Victory" and the "4 Laws of Combat" that will help you succeed in any situation - at work, at home and on the battlefield.

When developing our Combat Ready training courses, we based the content on the framework developed by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, best selling authors and former US Navy SEALs.

We adapted the content according to the Estonian and European business landscape and added the knowledge and experience of our instructors. Each lesson is built on theory, to which we have added examples from the military and civilian worlds to help you better understand how to apply the knowledge gained in your life.

Upon completing the course you will understand:
  • That leadership is the most important factor for success or failure of the team.
  • Lessons proven time and time again on the battlefield apply to everyday life.
  • Why taking ownership really works and how to make it work for you and your team.
  • These principles apply equally in business and your personal life.

By living by these principles we are convinced that you will be able to find real ways to improve your life. The lessons are easy to learn but it's up to you to have the discipline to take extreme ownership of everything in your life.





Course teachers

Remo Ojaste and Louis Zezeran

Remo is Combat Ready co-founder, CEO and instructor.
Louis is a Combat Ready instructor.